Automatic and easy version control on the browser, quick access to revision history

Efficient Cloud-Based Design Version Control Tool For Design Review

Automatically saves data such as website proofreading feedback, design updates, creative iterations etc. Easy access to historical data for efficient version control.

UI Collabo’s Feature Details

Cloud-based version control function for creative website production

In digital creative production, especially during the design review process, accidentally the design file reverts back to the older design for some reason. And it usually is a serious problem, resulting in rework, delay and so on. But UI Collabo's version control function solves this problem.

Automatic version control of captured data

When a new image is uploaded, previous data is automatically saved as past history. This allows you to check the history of your images at a glance.

design review and design version control
Feature 1
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Access to design iteration history

If you want to check the history of design changes, such as before and after modifications, you can click on the previous version and see the history. You can also see what kind of modification comments were made for each version.

design review and design version control
Feature 2
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Version control per page and per browser size

The same version management can be done for each browser size. Easily access the design history for each browser size in the browser.

design review and design version control
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Online proofreading tools prevent “accidental design loss” throughout the review

Version control of productions prevents errors such as changes or corrections reverting to previous versions during the design review. The entire production team can easily access past data from the latest data, preventing duplicate work due to confirmation errors.

Access to previous version data

In case a client demands to use the previous version, you can easily do so by accessing the data without having to rework.

On-point creative directions in the production workflow

Version control during the design review in UI Collabo app allows you to manage each task in detail, clarifying the process of online proofreading involving PDFs, content, design etc..

Iteration history batch management

The ability to manage historical data for each page in one place makes it easy for the entire web production team to access all data in a browser.

Enhanced security

By properly conducting version control on UI Collabo, eliminate the need to store design data in various locations, reducing the chance of data loss or information leakage thus enhanced security.

Website quality assurance

Maintain website quality by having more clarity in the design proofing workflow for each page and unified approach.

Streamlined web production process

Avoid rework such as additional design proofing and duplicate communication due to mistakes altogether. All project members have access to the latest data.

Integration with Slack

Seamless digital production workflow with Slack integration

UI Collabo offers Slack integration with all plans, including free plan. Instant notifications of proofreading feedback comments, replies, design approvals, etc. will be delivered to your favorite Slack # channel.

Display mode selection

Freely switch between single, dual, and layer modes for image comparison. You can compare images on top of each other with transparency, and simply leave correction notes on the design.

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Annotation tool

With a single click, highlight concerning areas using rectangles and arrows, and send requests. This makes it proofreading feedback on the design image visually, eliminating ambiguous communication and simplifying the workflow.

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Browser check function

Image capture can be obtained for each target browser for precise correction instructions. Browser compatibility check can be performed with a single click.

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Project management tool

Efficient communication between directors, designers and frontend developers saves everybody time. And optimized team collaboration results in higher quality and more complete websites.

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Enterprise Introduction

Enterprise Plan

UI Collabo has an Enterprise Plan. If your company has custom needs like a large number of users to manage, bigger storage space, or additional workspaces, please contact us here.

Have Questions?

Here are some frequently asked questions
about UI Collabo's browser checks.

  • How do I manage historical data?

    You don't need to do anything in particular to manage the history, as it is automatically updated as soon as you capture an image.

  • When can I use the version control feature?

    By keeping track of the history of version changes, you can keep track of the flow of the project even if multiple people are involved in the project.

  • What are the advantages of cloud-based version control?

    It allows people involved in a project to collaborate.

Shorter production time, less costly and higher
quality website with UI Collabo

Want to simplify the tedious website revision and feedback process?
Seamless communication platform for digital creators - UI Collabo.