Website feedback tool that streamlines processes and significantly reduces costs

The Ultimate
Feedback Tool - UI Collabo

This design collaborative tool streamlines the production workflow while saving
time and improving the quality of website creation processes.

The Ultimate Website
Feedback Tool - UI Collabo

This design collaborative tool streamlines the production workflow while
saving time and improving the quality of website creation processes.

Page-by-page status management

When reviewing a website, it becomes a difficult task to track how far you've gone; however UI Collabo, the online design proofing tool consolidates all design modification instructions into a single view and provides real-time progress management. It visualizes which website design changes have been addressed and not.

UI Collabo’s features

Introduction to product features

  • Mode Switching
  • Annotation
  • Browser Check
  • Modification Status Management
  • Design Version Control

Display mode switching for commenting, comparison and transparent overlay

UI Collabo has three display modes: single mode, dual mode and layer mode. You can switch between them any time suitable for different purposes. Here, the differences in functionality are described in detail.

website feedback

Your Partner in Collaboration

Your website launch is just around the corner. UI Collabo is
an excellent help in the finishing work, where detailed site
modification requests are flying around.

Coding is finished and your website is almost ready for launch, but it is still in flux with detailed editing requests, making
it difficult to get to the launch. UI Collabo was born to streamline this tedious and repetitive revision process.

  • iteration icon

    Design iteration
    process comparison

    This website feedback tool eliminates approximately 50% of the tedious analog work involved in site revisions and modification. It drastically reduces conventional processes and enables smooth communication.

  • comparison icon

    Various use cases comparison

    UI Collabo is a cloud design collaboration tool that dramatically improves work efficiency by enabling all kinds of process management solely in the browser. Anyone can complete all interactions in website creative feedback on a single web application.


Increase your collaborative
productivity today!